Resume Analyser and Parser
A resume is a summarized document which represents a job seeker’s professional background and skills for a prospective employer. The resume parser converts an unstructured form of resume data into a structured format, it extracts it into machine-readable output like CSV. Automated resume screening increases quality of hire by reducing false positives because candidates can't trick the system through keyword stuffing. It also reduces false negatives because candidates with good qualifications no longer slip through the keyword filters.
Twitter Analyser
Ever wanted to purchase a product online? Wanted to know how it actually fared? Social media and customer reviews are the best ways to decide the quality of a product. This project intends to help the user determine the reviews of the produdct using state-of-the-art techniques.
COVID Distancing and Mask Detection
The world today is shaken by the deadly virus that has bought the fast moving lives of today's modern society to an absolute stand still. Two science-backed methods to limit the spread of the raging infection are: Maintaining social distance and Wearing Masks.
These measures bring down the pressure on healthcare resources and persona, while delaying the pandemic peak and also saving patients from exorbitant virus loads. We bring a solution that automates the constant policing needed for ensuring that people follow the above precautionary measures. We created a program that utilizes Artificial Network to check if the social distancing norms are being followed, and other precautionary measures like the use of face masks that could possibly help in avoiding the need for future lockdown. This can automate the human task of monitoring public spaces if social distancing rules are being followed. The program uses pre-trained models like YOLO and FACE-NET to achieve the same through Computer Vision.
Image Compression using K-Means and Autoencoders
A project which performs compression and decompression of images from the MNIST dataset using autoencoder and K-Means clustering and deployment of the model using Flask.
Expense Tracker
Keeping track of your expenses is an important part of managing your overall finances. Using this application, one can not only keep an account of his/her expenses but can get a graphical insight of your overall spendings.
User Interface Design : HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Reat JS, Chart JS
Database: MongoDB
Web Browser: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge
Payroll Management System
A database management software for managing employee's payroll. It's designed to organize all the tasks of employee payment and calculating wages, deductions. Created using HTML, CSS, Python (Django) and MySQL . Finally, we can say that this system will not only automate the process but save the valuable time of the manager or the admin, which can be well utilized by his institute. This will be an additional advantage and management of power based on their free time from his normal duty.
CV Attendance System
The first step to develop a facial recognition-based attendance system is to create a database, which will store all employees images along with their information. Once the database is created, our objective is to check the availability of the image obtained from the footage in the database. The individual face extracted from the footage now needs to be processed and finally classified it so that one image can be distinguished from another and to predict who the person is.
Classification of Hate Speech and Offensive Content using an approach based on DistilBERT
Publisher: CEUR-FIRE 2021
S. Saseendran, S. R, S. V, S. Giri, Classification of Hate Speech and Offensive Content using an approach based on DistilBERT, in: Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation(Working Notes) (FIRE),, 2021.
(Accepted. Yet to be published)